In this paper, design and parameter optimization for the performance analysis of a Gate-All-Around GaN Nanowire Field Effect Transistor (GAA GaN NWFET) has been carried out based on the various quantum ballistic simulation models. The simulation results show a novel way to change the device mode of operation from Depletion-mode (D-Mode) to Enhancement mode (E-Mode) and vice-versa by varying the thickness of the nanowire channel (Tnw), which has not been reported yet to the best of our knowledge. Also, the paper reveals novel approaches (i) threshold voltage (Vth) tuning using metal contact length (Lm), (ii) threshold voltage (Vth) tuning using metal electrode work functions (phi ms) and (iii) threshold voltage (Vth) tuning using metal contact width (Cm). The device has an Ion/Ioff ratio of 10(5), suppressed off-state leakage in the range of 10-10-10-11A. The simulation work has been carried out on a commercially available ATLAS device simulator from Silvaco. In this paper, the design and parameter optimization for the performance analysis of a Gate-All-Around GaN Nanowire Field Effect Transistor (GAA GaN NWFET) has been carried out based on the various quantum ballistic simulation models. The simulation results show a novel way to change the device mode of operation from Depletion-mode (D-Mode) to Enhancement mode (E-Mode) and vice-versa by varying the thickness of the nanowire channel (T-nw), which has not been reported yet to the best of our knowledge. Also, the paper reveals novel approaches: (i) threshold voltage (V-th) tuning using metal contact length (L-m), and (ii) threshold voltage (V-th) tuning using metal electrode work functions (phi(ms)), and (iii) threshold voltage (V-th) tuning using metal contact width (C-m). The device has an I-on/I-off ratio of 10(5), suppressed off-state leakage in the range of 10(-10)-10(-11) A. The simulation work has been carried out on a commercially available ATLAS device simulator from Silvaco.