The "Singular school: Plural actions" project, created at our school unity, has been brought the discussion and reflection to our reunions, comprehension of teenage and ourselves attitudes, while professionals. Work in group and to live with these difficulties it s agreat challenge and a great learning. This diversity it happens among the co-workers and at the classroom itself. Reflect about our actions bring us the image of the researcher-teacher. We did many activities at the school that brought to all a bigger participation at the school-places, contact with the art, with research, with the observation. These process happened with the students and the teaching staff too. I participate at weekly reunions, with teacher from 5th to 8th grades to exchange ideas, study and discussions about the texts and themes. To listen and to participate on the discussions with the diverse professionals from the Project about the learning theories, diversity of strategic used at the classes or the ways of knowledge acquisition was very important to our work. Interdisciplinary is the theme of the subgroup that I integrate and, at first, the interest point of the work at group is the strengthens of each person and the perception of an interdisciplinary attitude. We debate the Interdisciplinary concepts and plan some actions in interdisciplinary way to apply it with the students.