Weiser's (1991) conceptualisation of a world wherein human's interaction with computer technology would no longer be limited to conventional input and output devices, has now been translated into a reality with human's constant interaction with multiple interconnected computers and sensors embedded in rooms, furniture, clothes, tools, and other items that surround them. Moreover, young people's inclinations towards wireless and mobile technologies has lead researchers to propose that the use of mobile/internet learning helps in reducing both time and location constraints within the educational environment. Thus, the present study attempts to explore the critical factors that help students in adopting ubiquitous internet (u-internet) in India. A questionnaire in English was developed and data were collected from 134 students in different majors at a large Indian central university using convenience sampling technique. In order to test the reliability of the developed instrument and extract factors related to it, statistical techniques such as Cronbach's Alpha reliability test, exploratory factor analysis, symmetric measures and correlation analysis were carried out. Preliminary analysis indicates that in terms of internal consistency/reliability, the developed scale in India performed satisfactorily. The EFA findings shows that 12-item scale can be categorized into 4 different factors. Thus, the four factors were named as "efficiency"; "information";"performance" & "techno". Standard loadings on each item was more than 0.550. Further, high and strong level of correlation was observed between the derived factors.