Contract time is the maximum time allowed in the contract for the completion of the project scope of work. The allowed time must be enough for adequate completion and yet not too long that it delays the use of the project. The current practice of determining contract time relies heavily on completed plans and specifications. However, there is always the need to come up with contract time at different project phases when the plans and specifications are not yet complete. The objective of this research is to evaluate a conceptual method for determination of contract time using linear regression and the predictive quality of such method based on different project types. A predictive conceptual method will serve a purpose, especially when there is not enough time or information to develop a detailed schedule. The development of a linear regression based on Bromilow’s Time–Cost (BTC) model could enhance state department of transportation (DOT) ability to make informed decisions on project feasibility and contract time. The ability to make such decision could save the agencies time and money. Based on the projects evaluated, the findings indicate that contract value (amount paid at completion) alone is not a good indicator of the contract time. The research suggests that a better predictor of contract duration could be arrived using standardized project types. In addition to cost, such classification will include project dimensions such as construction type, system type, material type, project location, complexity category, traffic control category, environmental assessment, and other factors.