To understand alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) reactions to osmotic stress, solutions with −0.5, −1 and −1.5 MPa osmotic potentials using PEG (Poly ethyleneglycol) and distilled water as control were prepared. In a germination test, eleven alfalfa cultivar seeds were allowed to germinate in these solutions. M. sativa cv. Yazdi and M. sativa cv. Gharayonje, selected as tolerant and sensitive cultivars, respectively, and were used for further studies. In all PEG solutions, root and shoot dry weights decreased in both cultivars. Under different levels of osmotic stress, root to shoot ratio increased significantly in Yazdi, whereas this parameter showed no significant differences in Gharayonje. Yazdi cultivar also showed higher activities of SOD (Superoxide dismutase), APX (Ascorbate peroxidase), CAT (Catalase), POD (Peroxidase), and higher reducing sugar contents of leaves in comparison with Gharayonje. These higher antioxidant activities help the tolerant cultivar to decrease oxidative damages of osmotic stress to membrane lipids as compared with its sensitive counterpart. As a result, electrolyte leakage and the amounts of MDA (Malondialdehyde), were higher in Gharayonje. This study highlights the importance of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant systems in scavenging reactive oxygen species which is caused by osmotic stress. It is seems that antioxidant systems are more active in tolerant cultivars than those of sensitive ones.