What is already known about this topic? Using the framework of the global youth tobacco survey (GYTS), China CDC conducted the first round of a national tobacco survey among junior high school (JHS) students in 2014, indicating that 17.9% and 5.9% of respondents were experimental and current cigarette smokers, respectively. What is added by this report? China CDC implemented a second round of the survey in 2019 and included senior high school (SHS) and vocational senior high school (VSHS) students. Experimental and current cigarette use was much higher among VSHS (30.3%, 14.7%) and SHS (21.6%, 5.6%) students than in JHS students (12.9%, 3.9%). Minors being able to buy cigarettes without refusal, tobacco advertisements and promotions on movies, TV, and at retail outlets, parents smoking, and teacher smoking in school were also widely prevalent. What are the implications for public health practice? Despite positive changes from 2014 to 2019, the external factors compelling teenagers to smoke were extensive. The priority for tobacco control among secondary school students should be strengthening the implementation of existing laws and regulations and developing targeted policies and measures for VSHS.