machine learning;
atmospheric chemical mechanism;
model emulation;
surrogate model;
chemical mechanism;
D O I:
P4 [大气科学(气象学)];
0706 ;
070601 ;
Atmospheric chemistry models-components in models that simulate air pollution and climate change-are computationally expensive. Previous studies have shown that machine-learned atmospheric chemical solvers can be orders of magnitude faster than traditional integration methods but tend to suffer from numerical instability. Here, we present a modeling framework that reduces error accumulation compared to previous work while maintaining computational efficiency. Our approach is novel in that it (1) uses a recurrent training regime that results in extended (>1 week) simulations without exponential error accumulation and (2) can reversibly compress the number of modeled chemical species by >80% without further decreasing accuracy. We observe an similar to 260x speedup (similar to 1,900x with specialized hardware) compared to the traditional solver. We use random initial conditions in training to promote general applicability across a wide range of atmospheric conditions. For ozone (concentrations ranging from 0-70 ppb), our model predictions over a 24-hr simulation period match those of the reference solver with median error of 2.7 and <19 ppb error across 99% of simulations initialized with random noise. Error can be significantly higher in the remaining 1% of simulations, which include extreme concentration fluctuations simulated by the reference model. Results are similar for total particulate matter (median error of 16 and <32 mu g/m(3) across 99% of simulations with concentrations ranging from 0-150 mu g/m(3)). Finally, we discuss practical implications of our modeling framework and next steps for improvements. The machine learning models described here are not yet replacements for traditional chemistry solvers but represent a step toward that goal.
Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
Asahi Kasei Pharm Corp, Pharmaceut Res Ctr, Adv Drug Discovery, Shizuoka 4102321, JapanMem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
Takaba, Kenichiro
Friedman, Anika J.
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Univ Colorado Boulder, Dept Chem & Biol Engn, Boulder, CO 80309 USAMem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
Friedman, Anika J.
Cavender, Chapin E.
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Univ Calif San Diego, Skaggs Sch Pharm & Pharmaceut Sci, 9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla, CA 92093 USAMem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
Cavender, Chapin E.
Behara, Pavan Kumar
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Univ Calif Irvine, Ctr Neurotherapeut, Dept Pathol & Lab Med, Irvine, CA 92697 USAMem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
Behara, Pavan Kumar
Pulido, Ivan
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Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USAMem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
Pulido, Ivan
Henry, Michael M.
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Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USAMem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
Henry, Michael M.
MacDermott-Opeskin, Hugo
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Open Mol Software Fdn, Davis, CA 95618 USAMem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
MacDermott-Opeskin, Hugo
Iacovella, Christopher R.
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Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USAMem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
Iacovella, Christopher R.
Nagle, Arnav M.
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h-index: 0
Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
Univ Calif Berkeley, Dept Bioengn, Berkeley, CA 94720 USAMem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
Nagle, Arnav M.
Payne, Alexander Matthew
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Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Triinst PhD Program Chem Biol, New York, NY 10065 USAMem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
Payne, Alexander Matthew
Shirts, Michael R.
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Univ Colorado Boulder, Dept Chem & Biol Engn, Boulder, CO 80309 USAMem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
Shirts, Michael R.
Mobley, David L.
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Univ Calif Irvine, Dept Pharmaceut Sci, Irvine, CA 92697 USAMem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
Mobley, David L.
Chodera, John D.
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Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USAMem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
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Wang, Yuanqing
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Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
NYU, Simons Ctr Computat Phys Chem, New York, NY 10004 USA
NYU, Ctr Data Sci, New York, NY 10004 USAMem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Computat & Syst Biol Program, New York, NY 10065 USA
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Georgia Inst Technol, Inst Elect & Nanotechnol, IEN Ctr Human Centr Interfaces & Engn, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA
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Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University
IEN Center for Human-Centric Interfaces and Engineering, Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology,Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of TechnologyDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University
Kangkyu Kwon
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h-index: 0
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National UniversityDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University
Myung Jin Yoo
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Dohyeon Gong
Woon-Hong Yeo
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h-index: 0
IEN Center for Human-Centric Interfaces and Engineering, Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology,Georgia Institute of Technology
George W.Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of TechnologyDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University
Woon-Hong Yeo
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Seung Hwan Ko
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h-index: 0
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University
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