Dynamic PET myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) used in conjunction with tracer kinetic modeling enables the quantification of absolute myocardial blood flow (MBF). However, MBF maps computed using the traditional indirect method (i.e. post-reconstruction voxel-wise fitting of kinetic model to PET time-activity-curves-TACs) suffer from poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Direct reconstruction of kinetic parameters from raw PET projection data has been shown to offer parametric images with higher SNR compared to the indirect method. The aim of this study was to extend and evaluate the performance of a direct parametric reconstruction method using in vivo dynamic PET MPI data for the purpose of quantifying MBF. Dynamic PET MPI studies were performed on two healthy pigs using a Siemens Biograph mMR scanner. List-mode PET data for each animal were acquired following a bolus injection of similar to 7-8 mCi of F-18-flurpiridaz, a myocardial perfusion agent. Fully-3D dynamic PET sinograms were obtained by sorting the coincidence events into 16 temporal frames covering similar to 5 min after radiotracer administration. Additionally, eight independent noise realizations of both scans-each containing 1/8th of the total number of events-were generated from the original list-mode data. Dynamic sinograms were then used to compute parametric maps using the conventional indirect method and the proposed direct method. For both methods, a one-tissue compartment model accounting for spillover from the left and right ventricle blood-pools was used to describe the kinetics of F-18-flurpiridaz. An imagederived arterial input function obtained from a TAC taken in the left ventriclecavity was used for tracer kinetic analysis. For the indirect method, frame-byframe images were estimated using two fully-3D reconstruction techniques: the standard ordered subset expectation maximization (OSEM) reconstruction algorithm on one side, and the one-step late maximum a posteriori (OSL-MAP) algorithm on the other side, which incorporates a quadratic penalty function. The parametric images were then calculated using voxel-wise weighted leastsquare fitting of the reconstructed myocardial PET TACs. For the direct method, parametric images were estimated directly from the dynamic PET sinograms using a maximum a posteriori ( MAP) parametric reconstruction algorithm which optimizes an objective function comprised of the Poisson log-likelihood term, the kinetic model and a quadratic penalty function. Maximization of the objective function with respect to each set of parameters was achieved using a preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm with a specifically developed preconditioner. The performance of the direct method was evaluated by comparing voxel-and segment-wise estimates of K1, the tracer transport rate (ml min(-1) ml(-1)), to those obtained using the indirect method applied to both OSEM and OSL-MAP dynamic reconstructions. The proposed direct reconstruction method produced K-1 maps with visibly lower noise than the indirect method based on OSEM and OSL-MAP reconstructions. At normal count levels, the direct method was shown to outperform the indirect method based on OSLMAP in the sense that at matched level of bias, reduced regional noise levels were obtained. At lower count levels, the direct method produced K-1 estimates with significantly lower standard deviation across noise realizations than the indirect method based on OSL-MAP at matched bias level. In all cases, the direct method yielded lower noise and standard deviation than the indirect method based on OSEM. Overall, the proposed direct reconstruction offered a better bias-variance tradeoff than the indirect method applied to either OSEM and OSL-MAP. Direct parametric reconstruction as applied to in vivo dynamic PET MPI data is therefore a promising method for producing MBF maps with lower variance.