Several microorganisms and one chemical preservative were tested for their effects on the fermentation and aerobic stability of corn silage. Whole-plant corn rone-half milk line, 31.3% dry matter) was ensiled in quadruplicate 20-L laboratory silos untreated or after the following treatments: Lactobacillus buchneri at 1 x 10(5) and 1 x 10(6) cfu/g of fresh forage; two different strains of L. plantarum, each at 1 x 10(6) cfu/g; and a buffered propionic acid-based product at 0.1% of fresh forage weight. After 100 d of ensiling, silage treated with L. buchneri (1 x 10(6) cfu/g) had a lower concentration of lactic acid compared with the untreated silage, but was similar to other treated silages. The silage treated with the high (1 x 10(6) cfu/g), but not the moderate rate (1 x 10(5) cfu/g) oft. buchneri also had a greater concentration of acetic acid (3.60%) and less yeasts (2.01 log cfu/g) when compared with other treatments (average of 1.88% acetic acid and 5.85 log cfu of yeasts/g). Silages treated with L, plantarums, the moderate rate of L. buchneri, and the chemical preservative took longer to heat than untreated silage when exposed to air, but improvements were numerically small (6.3 to 10.5 h). In contrast, silage treated with the high rate oft. buchneri never heated throughout a 900-h period of monitoring. Inoculating corn silage with 1 x 10(6) cfu/g oft. buchneri resulted in a more heterolactic fermentation and dramatically improved the aerobic stability of corn silage.