Objective: To develop a reliable scale on Jealousy. Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted at Department of Psychology, University of Gujrat. Initially, a pool of 50 items was generated through intensive literature review and brain storming sessions. 34 items were selected after expert's opinion. The scale was administered on 140 respondents whom were selected conveniently. Later on, pilot study was carried out by using 34 items scale which resulted into 23 items after retaining highly correlated items (r >= .5). Finally, scale was administered on 250 respondents. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were carried out for structure exploration and confirmation. The reliability of the scale was established. Results: EFA resulted into three factors comprising of 13 items. Further, CFA was carried out and the model fit summary showed all indices in highly acceptable ranges after the deletion of one more item (CFI=.952, GFI=.945, IFI= .953, TLI=.938, p=.001)). EFA, with restriction of single factor resulted into 13 items with significance p value (.000) and model fit summary of CFA confirmed the structure after deletion of two more item (CFI=.923, GFI=.930, IFI= .924, TLI=.901). The reliability of subscales ranges from .62 to .80 while reliability of full scale was .80. Reliability of the single factor scale on jealousy was .84 Conclusion: A reliable scale of jealousy was successfully developed with 12 items with three subscales and 11 items with no subscale.