Although cognitive appraisal, situational properties, and attributions are important parts of the stress process, few multidimensional measures are available to examine these constructs simultaneously. This paper investigates the properties of the Dimensions of Stress Scale (DSS). The DSS is a brief self-report questionnaire designed to assess appraisals of personal relevance (salience) and control; stressor properties (novelty, duration, and predictability); and self-attributions (causality). The items were derived theoretically, using the cognitive-phenomenological model of stress and the stress literature. Empirical support for the six dimensions (scales) was generated first on a sample of elderly individuals (n = 269) and then replicated on an independent sample of younger individuals (n = 162). In both investigations, the factor structure of five of the scales was shown to approximate a simple structure. Evidence of internal consistency and content validity was also provided. The scales' construct validity was supported by their relationships with stressor type (e.g., physical health problems, relationships, work, finances, individuals with indeterminate Western Blots, and caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease), coping, and depressed mood. The DSS should be useful in examining stressful experiences.