Nowadays in the international trade, there are many aspects that influence the interactive relationships between several types of organizations. Modeling such kinds of organizational interactions needs the consideration of a maximum of concepts related to the inter-organizational collaboration in general, in order to cover any kind and any case of collaboration. For this purpose, we present in this paper an inter organizational collaboration Meta Model dedicated to the generation of a knowledge-based used for inter organizational collaborative process modeling. The purpose is to build an inter-organizational collaboration Meta-model which covers the majority of the aspects and the concepts related to the inter-organizational collaboration, found in the literature. At this level it's necessary to identify and extract the objectives and knowledge about the collaboration environment. These knowledge can be acquired from many different sources in many different ways such as interview, conversation, software, documentation, experiences, professional social web, etc. This knowledge acquisition is done to define the collaboration Meta-Model. At the end of this paper we are going to present the instantiation of our meta-model through a case study.