The present day electronic gadgets have semiconductor memory devices to store data. The static random access memory (SRAM) is a volatile memory, often preferred over dynamic random access memory (DRAM) due to higher speed and lower power dissipation. However, at scaling down of technology node, the leakage current in SRAM often increases and degrades its performance. To address this, the voltage scaling is preferred which subsequently affects the stability and delay of SRAM. This paper therefore presents a negative bit-line (NBL) write assist circuit which is used for enhancing the write ability while a separate (isolated) read buffer circuit is used for improving the read stability. In addition to this, the proposed design uses a tail (stack) transistor to decrease the overall static power dissipation and also to maintain the hold stability. The comparison of the proposed design has been done with state-of-the-art work in terms of write static noise margin (WSNM), write delay, read static noise margin (RSNM) and other parameters. It has been observed that there is an improvement of 48%, 11%, 19% and 32.4% in WSNM while reduction of 33%, 39%, 48% and 22% in write delay as compared to the conventional 6T SRAM cell, NBL, V-DD collapse and 9T UV SRAM, respectively.