Recommender systems offer critical services in the age of mass information. Personalized ranking has been attractive both for content providers and customers due to its ability of creating a user-specific ranking on the item set. Although the powerful factor-analysis methods including latent factor models and deep neural network models have achieved promising results, they still suffer from the challenging issues, such as sparsity of recommendation data, uncertainty of optimization, and etc. To enhance the accuracy and generalization of recommender system, in this paper, we propose a deep generative ranking (DGR) model under the Wasserstein auto encoder framework. Specifically, DGR simultaneously generates the pointwise implicit feedback data (via a Beta-Bernoulli distribution) and creates the pairwise ranking list by sufficient exploiting both interacted and non-interacted items for each user. DGR can be efficiently inferred by minimizing its penalized evidence lower bound. Meanwhile, we theoretically analyze the generalization error bounds of DGR model to guarantee its performance in extremely sparse feedback data. A series of experiments on four large-scale datasets (Movielens (20M), Netflix, Epinions and Yelp in movie, product and business domains) have been conducted. By comparing with the state-of-the-art methods, the experimental results demonstrate that DGR consistently benefit the recommendation system in ranking estimation task, especially for the near-cold-start-users (with less than five interacted items).