With the pervasiveness of mobile devices and the development of biometric technology, biometric identification, which can achieve individual authentication relies on personal biological or behavioral characteristics, has attracted widely considerable interest. However, privacy issues of biometric data bring out increasing concerns due to the highly sensitivity of biometric data. Aiming at this challenge, in this paper, we present a novel privacy-preserving online fingerprint authentication scheme, named e-Finga, over encrypted outsourced data. In the proposed e-Finga scheme, the user's fingerprint registered in trust authority can be outsourced to different servers with user's authorization, and secure, accurate and efficient authentication service can be provided without the leakage of fingerprint information. Specifically, an improved homomorphic encryption technology is introduced to achieve an efficient online fingerprint matching algorithm over encrypted FingerCode data in the outsourcing scenarios. Through detailed analysis, we show that e-Finga can resist various security threats and serve efficient and accurate online fingerprint authentication.