Citizens expect clean water, sanitation, reliable electricity, refuse services, and good roads infrastructure. However, South African municipalities fail to deliver these services despite successive reforms, capacity building interventions and handson support. Project Management Maturity levels in 17 municipalities was investigated in 2017, and recommendations were made to improve innovation, processes, people, and tools. This research documents a qualitative review of the current project management practices, and progress made since 2017. The methodology included relevant reports, articles and news coverage, informal interviews, and a questionnaire. It compared the findings with the previous study and provides a comparison between project management maturity, service delivery and the audit outcomes of participating municipalities. The research found that municipalities remain challenged, and that minimal progress has been made in terms of project management maturity and improved service delivery since 2017. Further research is recommended, and the research should be expanded to consider a broader spectrum of municipalities, challenges, and potential solutions, towards developing a capable local government.