Detailed numerical simulations of C2H4/Air coflow laminar sooting flames at atmospheric and elevated pressures are performed with fully coupled flow, gas-phase reactions, soot dynamics, and nongray radiative heat transfer. The soot dynamics is modeled using a hybrid method of moments combined with a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) mechanism. Nongray radiative heat transfer by CO2, H2O, and soot is calculated using different methods to study the effect of radiation model on the predictions. The discrete ordinates radiation model (DOM) and P1 radiation model are compared. Three radiative property models with different accuracy and efficiency are included: a) full-spectrum correlatedk distribution (FSCK) model, b) weighted sum of gray gas model with original parameters (WSGG-Smith), and c) WSGG model with optimized parameters for variable mole ratios and elevated pressure (WSGG-SK). The optically thin approximation (OTA) model is also compared to a simple baseline case. The results show that the temperature and soot volume fraction predicted by the DOM combined with the WSGG-SK model are consistent with the FSCK model, with errors less than 2%. When the pressure increases to 8 bar, errors of P1 and OTA models increase significantly, the maximum temperatures predicted by the P1 and OTA models have errors of 36 K and 63 K, and the relative errors of the peak soot volume fraction are 18% and 24%, respectively.