This paper explores the impact of human resource management and knowledge management on innovation performance, the relationship mediated by open innovation mindset. Thus, this study targeted the Jordanian SMEs as a population of the study, the researcher reviewed around 50 articles published in the last five years to catch up with latest findings. The findings approved the need of the SMEs in Jordan for such factors to develop the industry and contribute in the economy development, which means there is an innovation performance issue in the industry. Human resource management found as one of the top factors effect innovation performances in Jordanian SMEs, knowledge management as an essential factor toward activate and enhance the human resource presence in the firms. Finally open innovation mindset found as not studied and explored factor in the industry, which indicates an issue in the implementation of innovation performance in the country. Furthermore, the researcher recommends the future research to hold studies on open innovation mindset as well empirically examine the role on open innovation mindset role in Jordanian SMEs industry. This could clearly figure out the role of open innovation mindset on the implementations of innovation performance in Jordanian SMEs.