Live Commerce is rapidly emerging as a new paradigm for the digital economy and consumption activities in the post-COVID era. Many prior studies have been conducted on Live Commerce, but studies focusing on the characteristics of sources of Live Commerce are insufficient. This study aimed to investigate the human factors of sources that affect consumers' intention to use Live Commerce. For this purpose, based on an expanded TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) through literature research, variables were set, and a survey was conducted targeting Korean consumers who have experienced purchasing products through Live Commerce. Excluding unreliable data, 201 responses were utilized in the analysis of this study. At first, the measurement tools were checked through validity and reliability verification, and correlation analysis was conducted to identify the relationships between variables. Then, the proposed hypotheses were verified through multiple regression analysis. As a result, firstly, the human factors of sources had a positive effect on PU (Perceived Usefulness). Secondly, the PEOU (perceived ease of use) had a positive effect on both PU and CS (Consumer Satisfaction). Thirdly, PU had a positive effect on CS and ITU (Intention to Use). Finally, CS with Live Commerce had a positive effect on the ITU.Through this study, we try to provide an understanding of consumer behavior in the Live Commerce environment and contribute to enhancing the service provider's ability to offer high-quality Live Commerce content.