Sib-pair methods provide simple, robust, easily implemented ways to screen for linkage between a marker locus and a suspected disease susceptibility locus. The basic analysis reflects the idea that, in the presence of linkage, siblings who share more alleles at the marker locus should also tend to be concordant for disease. Available sib-pair methods do not lead directly to estimates of risk associated with nongenetic factors, may not account for a variable age-at-onset, or may require that the age-at-onset distribution be known. In this paper, we propose a method for sib-pair linkage analyses that allows for a variable age-at-onset using a logistic model, easily allows modelling of nongenetic factors, reflects the correlation of sibs within a sibship, and allows for nonzero risk in those without the susceptibility genotype. Based on a limited number of simulations, the method has as good or better power than another recently described method that also allows for a variable