This paper offers evidence to support the idea that the crisis of reason, especially during the twentieth century, can not be explained satisfactory from the social sciences that are based on the philosophycal paradigm of consciousness and that, instead, it is possible to explore some more appropriate understandings from the options opened by the language philosophy-. It starts with the diagnosis made by Husserl in the interwar period, then presents the explanatory efforts at two different times of the critical theory, first with G. Lukacs and then T. Adorno and M. Horkheimer, to finally present roughly the proposal offered by J. Habermas in his Theory of the Communicative Action. In this article the author collects, systematizes and unifies some works that has achieved, in his courses with qualitative research methods and sociological theories, that have guided the research carried out in the last decade and which he has participated, in some undergraduate works, of students in Social Work, Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Caldas, Departament of Colombia.