Twenty-four sporadic colorectal adenomas were analysed for the presence of allelic loss on the short arm of chromosome 17 as well as mutations in the K-ras and p53 genes. Chromosome 17p13 allelic loss was not present in 14 out of 14 informative cases. K-ras mutations were observed in 15 out of 24 cases. A p53 gene mutation (GGC --> GAC at codon 245) was detected in two biopsies taken at a four year interval from a recurrent rectal villous adenoma. Both biopsies also contained the same K-ras gene mutation (GGT --> GTT at codon 12). The data from the recurrent rectal adenoma provide in vivo evidence that K-ras and p53 heterozygous mutations confer a proliferative advantage but together are not sufficient for malignant transformation.