This study was designed to construct and validate the Thai Alcohol Outcome Expectancies Scales (TAOES). The initial scale consists of items translated from Alcohol Outcomes Expectancies Scales and non-redundant expectancies derived from the focus group interview with 35 Thai participants. Another 1,056 participants (56% female) completed the questionnaire which included the TAOES and questions regarding their drinking behaviors and intentions. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted on the responses of 516 cases randomly selected from the overall sample. To test the stability of the factor structure, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed on the hold-out sample of 540 cases. The 11-factor model that emerged from EFA was also tested against the 12-factor model proposed by the researcher. The final solution has 55 items loading onto 12 factors: Confidence, Popularity, Positive Affects, Gaining New Experiences, Easing Worries, Sociability, Sexual Arousal, Getting into Trouble, Poor Performance, Negative Physical Effects, Financial Insecurity, and Guilt. The model fits adequately with the data (chi(2) = 3,350, df = 1,364, p<.001, chi(2)/df = 2.46, CFI = .89, RMSEA = .052, CI90 = .050 -.054). Each of these 12 factors significantly predicts drinking behaviors and intentions.