Thirty eight pearl millet cultivars, comprising local varieties, popular and new hybrid lines, were evaluated for physico-chemical composition and processing characteristics, in addition to the correlation of the physico-chemical properties with processing qualities. Wide variations were observed in thousand-kernel weight (3.2-17.6 g), and volume (2.2-12.9 ml), and hardness (49.3-98.5 BU) of native seeds of the varieties, in addition to considerable variations in proteins (8.1-13.9%), starch (57.4-70.3%), fat (3.4-7.4%), and ash (1.2-2.4%) contents. The yield of pearled grains and brokens of millet varied from 80.0 to 96.8%, and 0.9 to 30.3%, respectively. The yield and expansion ratio of popped grains ranged from 8.3 to 77.1%, and 2.3 to 11.3%, respectively. Wide variations in the amylase activity (567-3141 maltose units) of malted millets were observed. The grain hardness correlated positively with protein content (r=0.35, p<0.05), amylase activity (r=0.38, p<0.05), but negatively with milling breakage (r=-0.37, p<0.05). Protein content showed a significant positive correlation with popping yield (r=0.36, p<0.05), and amylase activity (r=0.45, p<0.01), but negative correlation with milling breakage (r=0.34, p<0.05).