This study examines transnational media corporations' (TNMCs') strategies in the Chinese media market after its WTO entry, employing a theoretical model that involves the interactions of a company's risk in terms of environmental uncertainties and control in terms of equity ownership. Interviews were used as the primary research method, with 15 informants from three global media giants-Disney, News Corporation and Sony. Findings suggested that in response to the risk they perceive, TNMCs have plans for increasing control through engaging in higher forms of ownership, developing connections with governments and distributors, localizing their products, and differentiating the products vis-a-vis their competitors. These plans comprise a roadmap for TNMCs' long-term development in China.This study examines transnational media corporations' (TNMCs') strategies in the Chinese media market after its WTO entry, employing a theoretical model that involves the interactions of a company's risk in terms of environmental uncertainties and control in terms of equity ownership. Interviews were used as the primary research method, with 15 informants from three global media giants-Disney, News Corporation and Sony. Findings suggested that in response to the risk they perceive, TNMCs have plans for increasing control through engaging in higher forms of ownership, developing connections with governments and distributors, localizing their products, and differentiating the products vis-a-vis their competitors. These plans comprise a roadmap for TNMCs' long-term development in China.