In order to verify the behavior of different maize cultivars and plant density in an intercropping system with commom bean, a trial was carried out in Sete Lagoas, MG, Brazil. The following treatments were studied: maize cultivars BR 201 M (single cross, prolific), CMS 350 and AG 301 (double cross, early maturity), in the densities of 20,000; 40,000 and 60,000 maize plants/ha. All these treatments were planted in two systems: single cropping and intercropping with common bean that was planted in the same line of maize, simultaneously. A randomized complete block design was applied, in a factorial experimental arrangement. Maize yield increased linearly as the number of crop plants per area increased. In both systems BR 201 M and BR 350 cultivars had the same behavior, yielding better than AG 301. Maize intercropping, in general, yielded 21% less than single cropping did. The ear index of BR 201 M was 25 and 66% greater than BR 350 and AG 301 cultivars, respectively. Common bean yield increased linearly as the number of maize plants decreased.