The aim of this paper is to present the decision-making process in humans by creating a synthetic system of dependency between emotions (values) and surrounding reality (objects). The paper is based on the phenomenon of crystallization of emotions on objects, proceeding as crystallization of anxiety in compulsive-obsessive neurosis, but extending on the totality of objects, events and situations the person is dealing with, as well as on human information metabolism. Concerning the issue of information metabolism, the main emphasis is put on the emotional phase of this process, consisting precisely in crystallization of emotions on particular objects of surrounding reality. Associations arising between emotions (values) and objects of surrounding reality create the person's system of values, which enables the person to make choices. In this way, we can distinguish an intellectual phase of information metabolism, which consists in recognition of cause-effect relationships existing in surrounding world, and an emotional phase, which makes possible evaluation of surrounding reality. Furthermore, emotional phase has been supplemented by an element of risk, which modifies the person's relationship with surrounding reality. The element of risk leads to a decrease of "attractiveness" of emotion-crystallizing object. The element of risk appears when there is a probability of loss of object attained or when probability of attaining the object is limited.