This paper discusses the phenomenon of violence, mainly when it occurs in the school. To fuel this study, we made a literature review, prioritizing papers about the theme, alongside information brought by news articles, accessed directly from the websites. To search the papers, we used the following keywords: violence and school coexistence, violence, teachers and peace culture. The proposition is to answer: how a culture of peace can mitigate the phenomenon of violence in the schools? To such ends, we will focus on two questions: what are the roots of violence? How can teachers deal with violence in the act of developing a pedagogical practice based on the culture of peace? We affirm that violence is associated with different causes and that there are initiatives that point towards a solution, however we claim that the theme of violence in the school environment can no longer go unnoticed by policymakers, nor by those who study this phenomenon from a more practical perspective, as occurs in the field of Theology. Therefore, we expect to contribute with the study of violence, anchoring ourselves in the way of spirituality, in the sense of recovery and commitment to the other ones, whose finality is the promotion of a culture of peace.