Objective: We aimed to evaluate the association between breast arterial calcification (BAC) and carotid plaque formation. Materials and Methods: The study group comprised 47 consecutive BAC (+) women, whereas the control group comprised 33 BAC (-) women (total, 80 women). All mammograms were examined by a specialist without being any apartheid that it was come from central or not. For the exist and density of calcification was used classification method. When we evaluate carotid arterial plaque with Doppler US used scale method. For analyzing categorical variables, we used chi-square test, and for numeric variables, we used independent t-test. Results: As nearly all BAC+ women had all types of carotid plaques, weighted of them was found that they were fatty plaque type (n=13 %46.4). Only one BAC+ patient was grade 2 and had no carotid plaques (n=1 %3.6). MAK-patients had nearly no plaque types. Conclusion: Breast cancer mammographic evaluation is an already important, cheap, and simple imaging method. In our study, we report a similar cheap, simple method that can be useful for evaluating atherothrombotic atherosclerosis, which is the most important cause of ischemic infarct.