In the article based on the analysis of letters of prominent Ukrainian and Russian philologist, historian of Ukrainian literature, the academician of the St. Petersburg and All-Ukrainian Academies of Sciences V M. Peretts's to the Ukrainian literary critic. art critic, historian of church and Ukrainian science, the corresponding member of the St Petersburg Academy of Sciences, the academician of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences M. I. Petrov, many years of scientific cooperation and creative connections between the scientists are shown. The source of the study is the correspondence of V. M. Peretts, which is deposited in the funds of the Institute of Manuscript of Vemadsky National Library of Ukraine and has never been a subject of special scientific research. The article reflects activities of V. M. Peretts and M. I. Petrov in the study of ancient books and manuscripts, which are deposited in the Church Archaeological Museum of the Kyiv Theological Academy, the library of the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, and also in the study of documents on the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in the archives of the Holy Synod in St. Petersburg. The paper highlights the scientific cooperation of V. M. Peretts and M. I. Petrov on the study of the history of Ukrainian literature and the Ukrainian theater, publication of scientific works in academic editions as members of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Special attention is paid to the little investigated facts of biographies of the scientists. In the article conclusions about considerable influence of M. I. Petrov's on V. N. Peretts's formation as a scientist are made, and the author claims that the scientists' professional and personal relations based on such feelings as mutual respect, aspiration to creative research and desire to be useful to the Ukrainian science. Further studies of epistolary heritage of V. M. Peretts in archival and library funds of Ukraine will give the chance to open a role and a contribution of the Ukrainian philologists to the development of Ukrainian research and creation of the Ukrainian scientific life.