The Freedom Between Sacrifice and Self-giving

Petkovsek, Robert
violence; freedom; sacrifice; self-sacrifice; old/new man; mimetic theory; skandalon; judgement of Solomon; Rene Girard;
B9 [宗教];
010107 ;
Freedom is a way or a form of life that enables people to actualize themselves in their original humanness, which is in the learning about truth, in performing good and in love. Truth, good and love become real in freedom, while freedom reaches its full meaning within truth, good and love. According to Hegel and Girard, it was only the Christianity that brought freedom to humans in fullness, while the Greeks and others knew only about individual aspects of freedom. The "new man" is born in the freedom brought forth by gospels. Opposite from the "new man", the archaic "old man" remained driven by the appetite to "be like God" and a slave of an imitative or mimetic desire that closed him to the whirlpool of violence. The archaic man could be saved from the self-destruction, to which the whirlpool of violence led, only by the scapegoat mechanism -the sacrifice of an innocent. The gospels, however, stripped the scapegoat mechanism of its power. The cross revealed the truth about the innocence of the victim, by which the victims innocence is restored and the victim is liberated. The freedom granted by the gospels to humans can be used as the means of death in perverted manners through the will to power and enable the human self to expand without limits at the cost of the weak. That opens the door to the radical, apocalyptical and demonical violence. The "new man", on the other hand, uses freedom according to the example of Jesus Christ, who transformed the cross into a place of forgiveness and life.
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