breast cancer;
breast self examination;
university students;
D O I:
Q [生物科学];
07 ;
0710 ;
09 ;
Introduction: The research carried out in order to determine the knowledge and behaviors of female university students about breast cancer and breast self examination (BSE). Materials and Methods: The research has been carried out 331 students staying at Girl Students Dormitory of a state university. The data has been collected through Personal Information Form and Breast Cancer /BSE Knowledge Form. Breast Cancer /BSE Knowledge Form consists of 25 items and it is evaluated out of 100 points. The data has been evaluated on the computer, in the statistical analysis, Khi-square, variance analysis and t test have been used. Results: 81% of students have heard BSE, but 52.3% of them have never done BSE so far. Among the students studying in departments related to health, the frequency of doing BSE (79.7%) was significantly higher than the students studying in departments apart from health (40.8%). The students'totally Breast Cancer /BSE point average was determined as 37.86 +/- 17.59. The point average of the students studying in departments related to health (55.38 +/- 15.61) was significantly higher than the students studying in departments apart from health (34.05 +/- 15.60); the point average of students who have heard about BSE (40.25 +/- 17.52) was significantly higher than students who haven't heard (27.68 +/- 13.97); the point average of students who have done BSE (46.32 +/- 15.59) was significantly higher than the students who have never done BSE (30.12 +/- 15.69). Discussion: Consequently, although the big majority of female university students have heard about BSE, their behaviors of doing BSE are not enough. Also the students'knowledge level about Breast Cancer /BSE are low.