Three species of Microphthalmus are described from British Columbia and Washington. M. hystrix n. sp. is unique in bearing 4-5 hooked spines in the notopodia of almost all setigerous segments. M. coustalini n. sp. resembles M. riojai Reish, 1968 from Baja California in size, segment count, and in having relatively short antennae and tentacular, dorsal and anal cirri but differs in having a median antenna, much larger pectinate comb setae, and variable compound setae with long blades more than six times the length of the shorter ones. A third species belonging to the Microphthalmus sczelkowi-southerni-group as defined by Westheide (1977) is described but not named. It is represented by only three specimens from two locations. It is characterized by notopodia with only a single acicula and comb seta, the latter with only about five teeth, and neuropodia with five to six compound setae with longer, bifid blades about four times longer than the shorter, unidentate blades, all blades appearing smooth under high power light microscopy (1500x).