In reviewing seafloor induction studies conducted over the last seven years, we observe a decline in single-station magnetotelluric (MT) experiments in favour of large, multinational, array experiments with a strong oceanographic component. However, better instrumentation, processing techniques and interpretational tools are improving the quality of MT experiments in spite of the physical limitations of the band limited seafloor environment, and oceanographic array deployments are allowing geomagnetic depth sounding studies to be conducted. Oceanographic objectives are met by the sensitivity of the horizontal electric field to vertically averaged motional currents, providing the same information, at much greater reliability and much lower cost, as an array of continuously operating current meter moorings. The seafloor controlled source method has now become, if not routine, at least viable. Prior to 1982, only one seafloor controlled source experiment has been conducted; now at least three groups are involved in the experimental aspects of this field. The horizontal dipole-dipole configuration is favoured, although a variant of the magnetometric resistivity method utilising a vertical electric transmitter has been developed and deployed. By exploiting the characteristics of the seafloor environment, source receiver spacings unimaginable on land can be achieved; on a recent deployment dipole spacings of 90 km were used with a clear 24 Hz signal transmitted through the seafloor. This, and prior experiments, show that the oceanic upper mantle is characteristically very resistive, 105 Ω m at least. This resistive zone is becoming apparent from other experiments as well, such as studies of the MT response in coastal areas on land. Mid-ocean ridge environments are likely to be the target of many future electromagnetic studies. By taking available laboratory data on mineral, melt and water conductivity we predict to first order the kinds of structures the EM method will help us explore. © 1990 Kluwer Academic Publishers.