Purpose: To evaluate the effect of Eyeonics Cry, saLens AT-45 accommodative introcular lens (1OL) and AMO ReZoorn refractive muhlifocal intraocular lens (MIOL. l on distance and near Vision., contrast sensitivity, postoperative spectacle dependence and patieni sarsaction prospeclively Material-lethods. Thirty cataractous eyes of 23 otherwise healthy palienl were enrolled ii the study. The patients who were between 49 and 75 years and underwent cata ract surgery between December 2003 and April 2006. Cataract extrac6ions were performed with phacoeiuIsihcalion. Crvszialens AT-45 acconnIodaiive IOL was implanted in 7 eyes or 7 pai ients and ReZoom MIOL was implanted in 23 eyes of 16 patieats. Patients were evaluaed a st and 6h1 postoperative months. For better evaluation of contrast sensitivity outcomes of MIOLs, we circaled a similar nionotocal control group, with the same numler of patients, patient age and best corrected distant visual acuity, to muitifocal group. Results: The uncorrected visual acuitics were 0.5 or better in both groups at 6th piostopeal ie month. IJ accommodative IOL group no patient gained J 3 or better near visual acuity., hi le in tie nuhifocal group near visual acuity was 13 or hetter in 74% of the cases, InI rultitobal group 33 of the patients were spectacle fIree, while all of the patients in accommodative group needed to us distance and/or near spectacles, The teed 1r spectacle was sigificantly lo ier in bilateral MIOL group than unilateral MIOL group (p= 0.005). [ ie contrast sensitivity was observed mo be lower in MIOL group than cenrol monofocal JOL group (p= 0032. The subjeci e paienz t satisfaction in both TOL groups for the rsults of surgery were in high levels. Conclusion: MIOL reduces the need for distance/near spectacle due to its good uncorrected distance/ncar visual acuity levels, bar satisfying results are only possible with bihaoral impntauion of MIOLs, Aceon-imodaive IOL implanted patiens were near spectacle dependen.