This article reports a three-part study comparing the effects of whole-language practice versus traditional basal instruction on children's reading attitudes. In Experiment I, children in two whole-language elementary schools (Grades 1-5, N=485) and children in two traditional schools (Grades 1-5, N=433) responded to the Elementary Reading Attitude Survey (ERAS). Although significant main effects of grade level and gender were observed, there was no main effect of instructional approach. The possibility that whole language had been too broadly defined was addressed in a second study. in Experiment 2, Bergeron's (1990) definition was used to identify a third whole-language school, meeting more specific criteria All students in Grades 1-5 (N=713) were compared with the original basal group. Only the recreational ERAS subscale was administered because of the inapplicability of certain items of the academic subscale to the new whole-language setting. As before, no main effect of approach was observed, nor was any interaction of approach with other factors significant. Experiment 3 involved follow-up structured observations of two first-grade teachers in the second whole-language school. The attitude means of these teachers' classes differed significantly. Although the two teachers exhibited many similarities, notable differences emerged that warrant further study in order to examine a possible causal relationship between practice and attitude. Important differences in practice within a general whole-language philosophy may affect reading attitude differentially.