We present a method for the construction of a robust dual-mode, receding horizon controller which can be employed for a wide class of nonlinear systems with state and control constraints and model error. The controller is dual-mode. In a neighborhood of the origin, the control action is generated by a linear feedback controller designed for the linearized system. Outside this neighborhood, receding horizon control is employed. Existing receding horizon controllers for nonlinear, continuous time systems, which are guaranteed to stabilize the nonlinear system to which they are applied, require the exact solution, at every instant, of an optimal control problem with terminal equality constraints. These requirements are considerably relaxed in the dual-mode receding horizon controller presented in this paper. Stability is achieved by imposing a terminal inequality, rather than an equality, constraint. Only approximate minimization is required. A variable time horizon is permitted. Robustness is achieved by employing conservative state and stability constraint sets, thereby permitting a margin of error. The resultant dual-mode controller requires considerably less on-line computation than existing receding horizon controllers for nonlinear, constrained systems.