Significant intra-and interobserver variation has been reported for estimating the dimensions and the volume of the thyroid gland by conventional sonography in adults. This study aimed to assess the role of extended field-of-view (EFOV) sonography for evaluating the size of the thyroid gland. The mediolateral, anteroposterior, and craniocaudal diameters of both thyroid lobes as well as total thyroid volumes of 30 female patients with the clinical diagnosis of goiter were measured three times by three radiologists with the EFOV sonography technique. Based on these findings, the correlation between the measurements of different operators and different measurements of the same operator was investigated. The interobserver variations for craniocaudal diameters of the right and left thyroid lobes were 3.3% +/- 1.9% (mean +/- SD) and 2.8% +/- 1.3% (mean +/- SD), respectively (P =.012), which were lower than the variations calculated for transverse and mediolateral diameters. The interobserver variation for the calculation of the total glandular volume was 6.3% +/- 3.8% (mean +/- SD). The intraobserver variations for the three radiologists assessing the total thyroid volume were 4.9% +/- 3.0%, 4.2% +/- 2.4%, and 4.5% +/- 1.7% (all mean +/- SD), respectively (P =.521). EFOV sonography should be considered as an alternative technique for the dimension measurements of