In this study (N = 572) we examined the association between shyness/inhibition (teacher ratings) and sociometric status in preschool-age children (3-6 years; mixed-age preschool groups). Shyness/inhibition was significantly negatively correlated with 'peer-rating' and the sociometric nomination variables 'positive nomination', 'social preference', and 'social impact'. These correlations remained stable even if the influence of aggressivity was taken into consideration. A more detailed analysis of the data supported the notion that these associations are influenced by children's age and sex in a different way. With regard to peer-status 'populars' differed from the average through lower scores on shyness/inhibition, whereas 'rejected' and 'neglected' children showed higher than average scores in these categories; this means that not only rejected children but also those identified as sociometrically neglected constitute a distinct category of social risk. Whether inhibited children were rejected or neglected by peers depended on the level of aggressiveness: High shyness/inhibition and high agressivity resulted in rejection, high shyness/inhibition and low aggressivity resulted in neglection.