Fructose secretion of everted guinea-pig seminal vesicles was studied in vitro. Carbachol produced dose dependent increase in fructose secretion. The effect was blocked by scopolamine but not by hexamethonium, mecamylamine, tetrodotoxin or previous denervation. High concentrations of acetylcholine also increased fructose secretion. This response was not augmented by physostigmine. Methoxamine reduced secretion. Methoxamine, terbutaline, clonidine and vasoactive intestinal peptide counteracted carbachol, Field stimulation produced increased secretion that was not blocked by autonomic drugs, tetrodotoxin or previous denervation. Stimulation of the hypogastric nerve produced frequency dependent increase in fructose secretion. The effect was blocked by tetrodotoxin and scopolamine but not enhanced by physostigmine. If the hypogastric nerve was stimulated close to the seminal vesicle the response was unaffected by hexamethonium but proximal stimulation was blocked. After chronic proximal denervation of the hypogastric nerve, stimulation close to the seminal vesicle produced enhanced response. Destruction of the peripheral ganglia at the base of the seminal vesicle abolished the response. Sections showed that most secretory nerves enter the organ at its base. Phentolamine or yohimbine but not prazosine or propranolol or guanethidine enhanced the secretory response to distal hypogatric nerve stimulation. Tyramine counteracted the response but after reserpinization it was enhanced by tyramine. It is concluded that the secretory cells of the guinea-pig seminal vesicle have a sympathetic secretomotor innervation by short cholinergic neurones with a preganglionic supply via the hypogastric nerve. Inhibitory alpha(1) and beta(1)-adrenoreceptors are present on the cells but neurogenic adrenergic inhibition of the secretion is essentially prejunctional and due to activation of inhibitory alpha 1-receptors on the secretomotor nerves.