Phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate and 1,2-dioctanoylglycerol, activators of protein kinase C (PKC) that stimulate DNA synthesis in serum-deprived Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts, induce histone H1 kinase activity associated with anti-cdc2 immunoprecipitates after a lag period of 15h, a time point close to G1 S boundary of the cell cycle in these cells. Downregulation of PKC does not affect the basal cdc2 kinase activity, but potently inhibits both phorbol dibutyrate- and dioctanoylglycerol-induced cdc2 kinase activation. Phorbol dibutyrate induces a dramatic increase in the p34cdc2 protein level as well as the appearance of p35-p36 forms of cdc2 on Western blot. In PKC-downregulated cells, the p34 form of cdc2 remains elevated but p35-p36 forms do not appear upon phorbol dibutyrate stimulation. These results demonstrate that PKC activation leads to cdc2 kinase activation in mitogenically responsive Swiss 3T3 cells, and strongly suggest that both expression of p34cdc2 protein and its posttranslational modification(s) are involved in this process. Western blot analysis of PKC isozymes suggests that either PKCα, PKCδ or PKCε may be involved in p34cdc2 kinase activation and mitogenesis. © 1992.