OBJECTIVES: To determine" the frequency of skin manifestations in patients with type 2 Diabetes mellitus". STUDY DESIGN, PLACE & DURATION: This was a descriptive case series study, carried out at Dep't of Medicine, Muhammad Medical College Hospital, Mirpurkhas and Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences, Jamshoro from November 2007 to April 2008. SUBJECTS & METHODS: One hundred & twenty type 2 diabetics; both male and female, were included in this study. All patients were asked about any skin problems they might have and subsequently all were examined regardless of their response. Age, sex, duration of diabetes, mode of treatment whether on oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin, and skin manifestations were noted. RESULTS: Age varied from 33 to 76 years (54 +/- 17 years) and known duration of diabetes varied from 10 to 27 years (15 +/- 9 years). The overall prevalence of one or more skin disease was 96 (80%). Diabetic dermopathy was seen in 36 (30%), rubeosis facies in 6 (5%), skin tags in 22 (18.33%), acanthosis nigricans in 7 (5.8%), eruptive xanthomas in 8 (6.66%), Vitiligo in 6 (5%), diabetic bullae in 8 (6.66%), diabetic xerosis in 6 (5%), lichen planus in 4 (3.33%), loss of hair in legs in 24 (20%), nail changes in 24 (20%), gangrenous diabetic foot in 29 (24 %), thick skin in 60 (50%), and hyperhidrosis in 36 (30%) patients. Pruritis was noted in 48 (40%) patients. The skin infections were noted in 84 (70%) cases; including bacterial infections in 60 (50%), fungal infections in 20 (16.66%) & viral infections in 04 (3.33%) cases. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the skin is involved in diabetes quite often and whenever patients present with multiple skin manifestations; their diabetic status should be checked and controlled.