A protocol for in vitro propagation using direct induction of shoot buds from leaf explants of in vitro-raised shoots of Rosa damascena var. Jwala is reported. The present study is the first report on direct shoot regeneration in scented roses. Elite plants raised from nodal explants and maintained for over 2yr in vitro on a static liquid shoot multiplication Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 5.0 μM benzyladenine (BA) and 3% sucrose were used. Petioles from fully developed young leaves, obtained after 4 wk of pruning of old shoots, were found to be ideal for regeneration of shoots. Initially the explants were cultured in an induction medium [half-strength MS+3% sucrose+6.8μM thidiazuron+0.27 μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA)+17.7 μM AgNO3] and subsequently transferred to the regeneration medium (MS+2.25 μM BA+0.054 μM NAA) after 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35d. The highest shoot regeneration response (69%) was recorded when shoots were kept in the induction medium for 21 d and later transferred to regeneration medium. Histological studies revealed direct formation of shoot buds without the intervening callus phase. In vitro rooting of micro-shoots was accomplished within 2wk on half-strength MS liquid medium supplemented with 10.0 μM IBA and 3% sucrose for 1 wk in the dark and later transferred to hormone-free medium and kept in the light. Plantlets, remaining in the latter medium for 5–6 wk when transferred to soil, showed 90% survival.