Foodborne illnesses caused by the consumption of contaminated foods have frequent occurrences in developing countries. The incorporation of contaminated water in food processes, preparation, and serving is directly linked to several gastrointestinal infections. Keeping in view, this study was conducted to assess the microbial quality of both drinking water sources and commonly consumed fresh ready-to-eat (RTE) foods in the region. The drinking water samples from water sources and consumer points, as well as food samples from canteens, cafes, hotels, and restaurants, were collected for the microbiological analysis. Fifty-five percent (n = 286) of water samples were found to be positive for total coliforms with MPN counts ranging from 3 to 2600 (100 ml)( -1). E. coli was detected in nearly 30% of the total water samples. Overall, 65% tap water samples were found unsatisfactory, followed by submersible (53%), filter (40%), and WTP (30%) sources. Furthermore, the examination of RTE foods (n = 80) found that 60% were of unsatisfactory microbial quality with high aerobic plate counts. The salads were the most contaminated category with highest mean APC 8.3 log CFU/g followed by pani puri, chats, and chutneys. Presence of coliforms and common enteropathogens was observed in both water and food samples. The detected isolates from the samples were identified as Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., and Staphylococcus spp. Based on these findings, microbiological quality was found compromised and this may pose hazard to public health. This exploratory study in the Punjab region also suggests that poor microbiological quality of water sources can be an important source of contamination for fresh uncooked RTE foods, thus transferring pathogens to the food chain. Therefore, only safe potable drinking water post-treatment should be used at all stages.