To achieve higher standards of sustainability, the waste management sector now requires the incorporation of circular economy (CE) principles. However, an easy transition toward the particular goal would require the use of smart waste technologies. To achieve the aforementioned goal, this study aims to provide a facilitating framework for the adoption of smart waste management in the context of CE for Pakistan. To help Pakistan transition toward the new paradigm, a total of 16 critical facilitators are evaluated based on five distinctive criteria using a novel fuzzy hybrid multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach. The hybrid MCDM approach includes fuzzy Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) for allocating weights to the determined criteria; whereas, the fuzzy VIšekriterijumsko kompromisno rangiranje (VIKOR) approach is used to rank the critical facilitators adopted from the secondary literature. The fuzzy approach in both cases is to deal with any kind of uncertainty during the data collection process. Based on the achieved results, the study suggests that before the application of smart waste technologies in the country, Pakistan should first focus on devising regulations that effectively address the mismanagement of waste produced in the country. Also, the industries in the country need to become more responsible and should adopt environmental management systems that foster waste minimization. Lastly, the country in the third phase should focus on the wide application of digitalization both in the streams of ICT and IoT, for collecting, sharing, and receiving waste data. The study further provides policy recommendations to the respective stakeholders that will help the country achieve zero-waste CE.