Prescription stimulant misuse and diversion are interrelated behaviors: diversion increases the availability of stimulants for misuse, and persons who misuse are also more likely to divert. To date, research has examined these behaviors using a primarily quantitative lens. We led a qualitative investigation to better understand misuse and diversion events. Data are from a diverse southern California campus where we interviewed students who misuse and/or divert prescription stimulants (32 total interviews: 16 interviews with students who had a history of misuse, and 16 different interviews with students who had a history of diversion). We analyzed interview data inductively. We identified the following themes about misuse and diversion events, several of which intersected during interviews: medication surplus, diversion and misuse hubs, ease of behavior performance, academic stress, and other drugs commonly involved. For diversion, altruism and monetary gain were juxtaposed themes. Across themes, friends and family were influential figures. Implications for prevention, intervention, and future research directions are discussed.