A variety of ecologically important behaviors, including circadian rhythms and seasonal reproduction, are influenced by non-visual responses to light, yet very little is known about the relationship between photic habitat and non-visual photoreception. Puerto Rican Anolis lizards have diverged into multiple photic niches, making them a good model for non-visual photosensory ecology. We investigated the photic induction of locomotor activity, a non-visual response to light, in four species of Anolis comprising two pairs of closely related, ecomorphologically similar species whose microhabitats differ in solar irradiance. We developed a device for continuous, automated detection and recording of anole locomotor activity, and used it to characterize activity under 12:12 h light–dark cycles. Next, we administered a series of 2-h light pulses during the dark period of the light–dark cycle and measured the increase in locomotor activity relative to baseline dark activity. Five different irradiances (ranging from very dim to daytime levels) were given to each individual lizard on separate nights. As expected, light caused an irradiance-dependent increase in locomotor activity in all four species. The responses at the highest irradiances were significantly greater in species occupying relatively more shaded habitats, suggesting that non-visual photoreception may be adapted to habitat light in Anolis lizards.