Since the high heat has a bad effect on every electric coolant device performance in small spaces, enhance thermal systems became a challenge to achieve better performance. In the present study, investigate the forced heat transfer and laminar CuO–water nanofluid flow around the sinusoidal cylindrical and cylindrical heat sink, at Reynold number less than 700, and at a constant heat flux. Which is simulated numerically by Galerkin approach finite element methods FEM. The main purpose of the study is to drop the heat spam by enhancing the heat transfer coefficient of laminar flow in different channel types of special shape (corrugate cross-section) using nanofluid. Study the effect of hydraulic diameter of sinusoidal cylindrical to classify the channels depended on (Dh ≤ 3 mm). The new design of heat sink is employed “sinusoidal cylindrical heat sink” varied according to the amplitude values (λ) and the corrugation number (G). A digest of the findings, the best enhance at φ = 0.15%vol of 16.31% and 16.53% for G = 3 and G = 10, respectively. A great drop in wall temperature about 20.47 and 16.58 for λ = 20 of G = 3, and G = 10, respectively, as the volume fraction of CuO–water nanofluid increased at Re = 478 & q″ = 127.3 kW/m2, comparing with water. In conclusion, the sinusoidal heat sink of λ = 20 with CuO–H2O nanofluid of φ = 0.15%vol showed best enhance in heat transfer coefficient. Increased the corrugate number G led to a decrease in the friction factor and thermal resistance. Furthermore, using nanofluid led to reduce the surface wall temperature, the friction factor also the thermal resistance.