共 50 条
Internal solitary waves on the southwest shelf of Dongsha Island observed from mooring ADCP
Feilong Lin
Yijun Hou
Yahao Liu
Yong Fang
Po Hu
[1] Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of Oceanology
[2] Chinese Academy of Sciences,Key Laboratory of Ocean Circulation and Waves (KLOCAW)
[3] University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,undefined
internal solitary wave (ISWs);
South China Sea;
Dongsha Island;
D O I:
Internal solitary waves (ISWs) are frequently observed in the area between Dongsha Island (DI) and Taiwan Island. However, there have been few in-situ observations southwest of DI. To improve our knowledge of ISWs in this area, we observed the ISWs over the continental shelf (115.4°E, 20.3°N) from Aug. 29 to Oct. 10, 2011 with temperature sensors and an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). The observations showed that the a fully developed ISW produced a current whose maximum westward velocity was 0.92 m/s and maximum northward velocity was 0.47 m/s. During the 41-day observation period the ISWs appeared for three periods with about 7-day gaps between each period. During each day, two types of ISWs were observed. The first type of wave arrived regularly diurnally at the same time each day, with a similar pattern to that of the type-a wave identified by Ramp et al. (2004). The second type arrived about 12 h after the first type and was delayed about 1 hour each day; this wave type was related to the type-b wave. Thus, our observations confirmed that both type-a and type-b waves can reach the area southwest of the DI. Moreover, the waves observed by the mooring propagated toward the directions of 270°–315° clockwise from true north, indicating obvious refraction from uneven topography around DI.
页码:1179 / 1187