Seven species from three genera of the family Suctobelbidae are recorded from South Africa. Four species, Fenestrobelba nondivisa (Hammer, 1966), Suctobelbella (Flagrosuctobelba) elegantula (Hammer, 1958), S. (F.) peracuta (Balogh & Mahunka, 1980) and S. (F.) semiplumosa tahitiensis (Hammer, 1972), are recorded in the Ethiopian region for the first time. Two species, Suctobelbella (Ussuribata)spirochaeta Mahunka, 1983 and Suctobelbila dentata (Hammer, 1961), and two genera (Fenestrobelba and Suctobelbella) are recorded in South Africa for the first time. One new species of the subgenus Suctobelbella (Suctobelbella) is described, S. (S.) paracarinata sp. n., which is morphologically similar to S. (S.) carinata (Balogh & Mahunka, 1969), but differs by the morphology of rostrum and medial notogastral tubercles, and length and morphology of notogastral setae.